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How to Configure the MCS Import

Please follow the steps below to set up the MCS import:

Important NOTE: Be sure to set up MCS as a 'Client Company' first - Click HERE for instructions

Creating a Third Party Web Service User in Vendor 360

First, we need to create a 3rd Party Web Service user in MCS' Vendor 360 application! Below are the instructions on how to do this, but if needed, MCS’s documentation on user management can be found here.

  1. Log in to your Vendor360 account
  2. Click on Admin from the menu bar
  3. Select Manage Users
  4. Click Clear Screen to ensure you're creating a new user
  5. On the left-hand side, fill out all of the text boxes
    1. You will receive an email confirming the user creation after completion. Set the password using the link in this email
  6. Check the User is Active box
  7. Check the Third Party Web Service box
  8. Select Property Pres Wizard (PPW) from the Company dropdown menu
  9. Click on Create
  10. A Terms & Conditions window will pop up
    1. Read the agreement with MCS, and if you agree then
    2. Check "I have read and accept the above on behalf of this third party user"
    3. Click Accept
  11. You will receive an email from Vendor 360 asking you to create the password for this account, please do so before continuing to the next step!


Setting up the import in PPW

Once this third-party Web Service user is set up, come back to PPW and follow these instructions on how to set up the import!

  1. Hover over the Admin tab
  2. select the General option
  3. Select Auto Import - Work Orders under the Application Options1. Import set up pt 1.png

  4. Press Setup New Import
  5. Choose the option of "MCS - Auto" in the "Import From" dropdown menu
  6. Select the client company you want to utilize for these orders in the Client Company drop-down menu
  7. Enter the login name of the third-party web service user we created above
  8. Enter the password that you created for the third-party web service user we created above
  9. Enter the Vendor ID that you use to log into Vendor 360 with
  10. If there is existing damage for the order present in Vendor 360, if you check this box, it will include those damages as a job note when the order is imported, if this box is not checked those damages will not be imported
    The following options (9-17) are optional and do not need to be set
  11. Alert Email - If an email address is entered here you will receive an email when orders are ready to be imported or if there is an error with the import itself
  12. Friendly Name - This is another way for you to reference this import, and this will only display on the import queue screen
  13. Skip Comments - If this option is set to yes, then any comments present on the order in the client's system will NOT import, if this option is set to no then any comments present on the order in the client's system will import into PPW
  14. Skip Line Items - If this option is set to yes, then any line items present on the order in the client's system will NOT import, if this option is set to no then any line items present on the order in the client's system will import into PPW
  15. Set Category - If you set a category here, then when orders import they will import with this category associated to the order
  16. State Filter - If a state is selected here, only orders for that state will be imported into PPW
  17. Discount % for this Import - If a discount percentage is entered here, then any orders imported through this import will have this discount percentage present on the invoice page
  18. Set the "Active" option to "Yes" 
  19. Click the "Save" button
    MCS Import set up.png

PPW also offers the option of sending results back to MCS, to see how to do this, click HERE.

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