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How to Retry Photo Uploads

When you encounter a failed upload in Pruvan Mobile, the item has attempted 3 times to upload and has continued to fail.  Depending on the failure error you may need to retry the upload after the error has been resolved.

Retry All Failed Uploads

  1. Open Pruvan Mobile
  2. Navigate to the Upload Manager
  3. Tap Retry All Failed

Retry Individual Failed Uploads

  1. Open Pruvan Mobile
  2. Navigate to the Upload Manager
  3. Tap Edit
  4. Select the failed upload(s) you want to retry
  5. Tap Retry

Force Upload

You encounter a situation where uploads are seemingly stuck in a pending status.  In these rare cases you may need to force them to upload.  Forcing an upload should be used as a last resort when all other options have been used.

  1. Open Pruvan Mobile
  2. Navigate to the Upload Manager
  3. Located the upload you wish to force
  4. Long press on the item (Android) or tap on the item (iOS)
  5. Select Force Upload
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