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Brookstone Integration FAQ

Q) How does Pruvan work?  

A) Pruvan provides customers with the following tools, Pruvan Online, Pruvan Mobile and the Pruvan Downloader.  Learn more about these tools at or by visiting the Pruvan Support Center.   


Q) How do I get work from Brookstone into my Pruvan account?

A) There are two (2) options available to vendors, the Pruvan Supported Integration, and the iProperty Supported Integration.   


Q) What is supported in the Pruvan Supported Integration?

A) The Pruvan Supported Integration supports the following Pruvan Features:

Feature Supported Notes
Importing Orders Yes All orders are automatically exported from your iVendor Portal account and ready to dispatch to the field upon request. The Pruvan + button and work types are used to create orders on-site when needed.
Auto-Import No Users must manually refresh integration to import new or update existing Brookstone Orders
Sub-User Assignment No You must set-up the default assignment feature or assign work manually in Pruvan Online.
Free field Check-In Yes Pruvan sets Check-In options based on work order/client when possible on supported work types.
Relaying Photos and Survey Results Yes* Pruvan supports organizing and relaying photos and survey results from Pruvan automatically to Google Drive, DropBox, and the Pruvan Downloader as configured for manual upload to Brookstone.  *Photos do not relay to iProperty Vendor Portal automatically.



Q) What is supported in the iProperty Supported Integration?

A) The iProperty Integration supports the following Pruvan Features:

Feature Supported Notes
Importing Orders Yes Specific Order types assigned in iProperty and ready to dispatch to the field are pushed to your Pruvan account.  Pruvan + button and work types are used to create orders on-site when needed.
Auto-Import Yes Supports new orders and order changes that are pushed automatically to Pruvan and updating the related Pruvan Project as orders change.  Not all order types are pushed to your Pruvan account.
Sub-User Assignment No You must set-up the default assignment feature or assign work manually in Pruvan Online.  
Free field Check-In Yes Check-In options are set based on work order/client and work type.  Check-In not supported on all work types.
Relaying Photos and Survey Results Yes Supports relaying photos and survey results from Pruvan automatically on supported work types.  This is not available on all work types.  Relaying results is a premium feature that requires a paid subscription.


Q) What integration option does Pruvan recommend?

A) The vendor must decide what works best for the vendor.  Pruvan controls the Pruvan integration and therefore has more control over and can provide direct support to the vendor.  The iProperty integration uses Pruvan's open API (programmer tools) and therefore any feature requests related to the iProperty integration must be done by Aspen Grove, the developer of the integration to Pruvan.  Any feature requests to the Pruvan integration are limited to what is possible using iVendor Portal tools available that can be programmatically controlled by Pruvan developers.


Q) Why do I need to use Pruvan?

A) Pruvan is provided to Brookstone vendors to rapidly get proof of performance from the field.  Pruvan streamlines the capture of field data and photos using mobile devices.    See for more information.


Q) How do I get work from Brookstone?

A) Brookstone is your work provider.  Your Brookstone vendor coordinator will help you get setup to receive work from Brookstone into your Pruvan account.  If you want to be a new vendor to Brookstone, please reach out to Brookstone vendor management.


Q) Why do I not see Brookstone orders in my Pruvan account?

A) Troubleshooting using Vendor's Pruvan Online account

  1. Verify vendor has orders assigned by Brookstone and is available in iVendor Portal.  
  2. Vendor should do a full refresh to "re-synch" their Pruvan account with the Brookstone Pruvan account. Allow 5 minutes to allow accounts to sync. Vendor should receive all assigned orders within 5 minutes if integration is properly configured.
  3. If Steps 1-2 have been performed, open a support ticket with Pruvan Support with enough information to help diagnose the issue. Let support know troubleshooting steps have been completed.


Q) Why do my Brookstone orders not appear on Pruvan Mobile?

A) Troubleshooting

  1. Using Vendor's Pruvan Online account, verify Brookstone order is in Vendor's Pruvan account and assigned to a sub-user owned by Vendor.
  2. If work not assigned, have vendor setup the default assignment feature or instruct vendor to manually assigned work to their Pruvan sub-users.
  3. If work is assigned properly, make sure field staff is logged in to same sub-user work is assigned to as viewed on vendor's Pruvan Online account.   
  4. Device must be connected to the internet to receive new work assignments.  If in doubt, login on test device to make sure assigned work appears on test device.  Field Staff will get an alert (if alerts are configured) and must "refresh" orders to see new or updated assignments.
  5. If Steps 1-4 have been performed, open a support ticket with Pruvan Support with enough information to help diagnose the issue. Let support know troubleshooting steps have been completed.


Q) Where are my photos I took using the Pruvan Mobile app?

A) Pruvan Mobile keeps track of the status of all photos taken.  If the status of the photo is "Pending" on Pruvan Mobile, then the device is waiting for a reliable internet connection or survey completion event to send photos to the proper Pruvan Online account for processing.  If the status of the photo is "Upload Complete" the photo has transferred to Pruvan Online.  Any other error message may indicate an issue with the device.  

Troubleshooting to find photos that are "Upload Complete" on Pruvan Mobile

  1. Look at Pruvan Online->Photos to see a history of all photos received in your Pruvan account.  You can click on the Project number to see the photo details and the actual photos.  Here you will see the status of each photo.
  2. If the status of the photo is "Published" then Pruvan Online is finished processing this photo.  
  3. If the status of the photo is "Pending QA" then the order has been configured in such a way that requires manual review and publishing.
  4. If there is any other status message, then follow the clues provided by the error message to resolve the issue and republish the photos.  

Troubleshooting Pruvan Mobile photo status other than "Pending" or "Upload Complete".

  1. If the error message indicates the photos have been moved Pruvan Mobile is unable to find the photos since they have been moved manually by the operator.  This is not recommended.  Pruvan does store the photos locally, but the photos must not be moved or modified in any way.
  2.  If the error message indicates the photos are corrupted this may indicate a device storage failure.  Upgrade storage or replace the device.

If the photos are damaged or device is unable to connect to the Internet

  1. Pruvan stores the photos pending upload to your Pruvan account locally on the device.  Please search the Pruvan Support Center for articles on how to recover your photos from the device if necessary.

If troubleshooting steps above have been performed, open a support ticket with Pruvan Support with enough information to help diagnose the issue. Let support know troubleshooting steps above have been completed.


Q) Why do I need to check-in?

A) If you see Check-In required on Pruvan Mobile, your work provider requires check-in.  Please follow instructions provided by your work provider.  

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