Pruvan - PPW - XactPRM    Support Center


Pruvan Trust Seal


The Pruvan Trust Seal is a link that allows you to access an interactive Certified Service Report (CSR).  A CSR is a report that Pruvan generates every time a project is published.  This gives an overview of the project and whether or not a photo is certified for time and location.  Certified photos mean that Pruvan can verify that the location and time reported on a photo are accurate and have not been tampered with.  However, just because a photo is not certified does not mean that the location or time is false, it just means that we can't verify their accuracy.  


This report shows a map (A) of the area around the project address and pin drops for each photo taken to help visualize the location data.  This map is an interactive Google Map that you can pan and zoom on.  Below that is the project information; the project number and address (B).  Clicking on the project number will take you to the Project Manager in Pruvan Online if you are signed in to an account that has access.  Otherwise you will be taken to the project's Client Portal.  Next is the certification statement (C); this includes a time window from when the earliest photo was taken to when the last photo was taken.  At the bottom there is a summary (D), by task, of how many photos are certified. 

Task Summary

Clicking the Task Name will take you to the photos for that task in the project's Client Portal.  The Time column shows what percentage of the photos are certified for time-only.  The location column shows how many are certified for location-only.  The Photo / Survey column shows how many are certified overall, this includes time and location.  For instance if you had a task with 4 photos and 1 photo was only certified for time, 1 only for location, and 2 for both then you would have 75% in both the time and location columns, but only 50% in the Photo / Survey column.  The total column shows the total number of photos that are certified against the total number of photos for the task.  This will directly relate to the percentage in the Photo / Survey column; in our example it would list "2 / 4".

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