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Getting Started With The Client Portal

Pruvan Client Portal

The Client Portal is a place where results of a Pruvan project are published.  The link to this page can be shared with clients or anybody with an interest in this data.  This article will go over the Client Portal and how to navigate around there.  To learn how to share results with someone see our article on sharing.  Note that the Client Portal does not provide any zip, or photo, download feature.


The Client Portal has several areas that display information and you can interact with.  The first is a project information box (A) in the upper left corner, this displays the project number and address.  It also contains a link to the project's Pruvan Trust Seal. Next, there is the Google Map display that is the backdrop for the main Client Portal display.  Here you can see the certification bubble and pin drops for the address and all of the photos that were taken (B).  The map is completely interactive and the controls (D) are in the upper right corner.  Right below that is a comment box (C) that you can make notes in and collaborate with anyone else that has access to this project.  At the bottom of the map are the action boxes (E) with some overview stats; how many photos are on the project, how many surveys, how many check ins, a link to share the project with others, and a link to bring up the Activity Watcher.  At the bottom of the screen is the task list.  This will display each task that is on the project as well as any Check Ins.  Click on the Task Name to expand that task and see it's content.

Activity Watcher

Click the Watch box to pull up the Activity Watcher.  This is a real-time interactive viewing window.  As photos are published on the project they will load in the photo slider with the newest (C) being on the left and the older ones (D) moving to the right.  The latest photo will be displayed, by default, at the top of the window.  There you will see a large sized photo (A) and the photo's details (B).  You can stop the watcher from automatically loading new photos by pressing the Stop button (E).  Then you can scroll through the slider and click on any photos you wish to see the details of.  Once you're ready to start receiving new photos again, click the Resume (E) button and all new photos will start loading again.

Photo Tasks

Photo Tasks expand out to display an overview of the photos and videos that were taken.  At the top (A) you see the task name, the count of how many photos belong to this task, and the photo icon that identifies is as a photo task.  Below, there is a green box for each evidence type (B) with that evidence type's photo thumbnails (C) trailing off to the right.  Each evidence type also has a photo count with it.  Click on a photo to pull up a large view and see the photo's details or play the video.

Photo Details

When you click on a photo it will bring up this display underneath your current task.  There's a larger view of the photo, along with it's meta-data and certification status, as well as a map detailing where it was taken.  For videos, use the player controls to view the video.  To close the photo details simply click on the large image.


Click on the Survey title to expand the survey section.  In the green boxes (A) you will see the task name the survey(s) was assigned to and how many times the survey was submitted.  In the trailing blue box (B) you will see the date and time the survey was done as well as the username of who completed it.  Click on a (blue) survey box to see the results of that survey (C).  Here you will see the survey name as well as a list of the questions and answers on that survey.  Any photos taken on a survey question will be displayed directly below the question.  As in the Photo task, you can click on a photo to see the photo details. To close the survey details click on the survey's blue box again.

Check Ins

Click the Check Ins title to expand the Check Ins section.  Here you will see green boxes for the Check Ins (A) and any associated Check In surveys (C), along with counts for each.  Much like the surveys above there are blue boxes showing each Check In (B) that was made on the project.  Here you will see the date and time of the Check In, the username of who completed the Check In, and what provider was used to Check In with.  Click on the (blue) Check In box to see the Check In details.  On the left there will be a Check In photo (D) if one is available, and on the right the Check In data (E).

Check In Surveys

Check In surveys work just like regular survey tasks, they are just displayed as part of the Check In.  You have the task name and survey count (A), the survey box (B), and the survey details (C).


Comments can be entered by anyone with access to this project through the Client Portal.  They are displayed in the order entered along with the username of who made the comment and the timestamp of when the comment was made.  To enter a comment simply type your message and press Submit.  You, and anyone else with access, will see the comment appear in the comment list.


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