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Report Filters

You can filter the results of your report by using specifically formatted text in the Filter field of your report.  This feature is available on the following reports from the Report Launcher:

  • Check Ins
  • Device Usage
  • Crew Tracking
  • Metered Billing

You can filter by Subuser on the first 3 reports, additionally you can filter by Address, City, State, and Zip on the Crew Tracking report.  You can filter by BillTo, BillFrom, and Interface on the Metered Billing report.

You can also search by multiple filters, just add a space between them

  • ie - subuser:user1 city:austin

To filter, enter the column name, ie subuser, followed by a colon (:), then by the value you want to see, ie user1; with no spaces.

  • For an address or city that has spaces use ""s around the search value
  • ie - address:"104 Forrest Park Ln"
  • Only search for the first address line in a case where you have 2 address lines on a project

**NOTE - This feature does not support partial searches.  Your value must be an exact match.

  • ie - subuser:user will yield 0 results while subuser:user1 will yield 15 results


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