QA is Quality Assurance. For Pruvan photos, this is the process of going through the photos taken on a project and validating that they are all there, the correct photos, and good quality. To do this from Pruvan Online you'll want to make sure that your photos don't publish before you have a chance to QA them. Follow these steps to get started.
Initial Setup
- Log in to your Pruvan account from a web browser
- Click on the User Icon
- Select Account
- Click Options
- Set 'Mark Complete Mode' to 'status'
- Set 'Auto Relay' to 'off'
- Click Save
- Log in to Pruvan on your mobile device
- Refresh your project list to update your project settings
Online QA Process
- Log in to Pruvan Online
- Go to the Photos tab
- Find the project you need to QA
- Click on the project ID
- Click on a photo thumbnail to open the Photo Viewer
- You can also scroll through this window to quickly review the thumbnails and delete or move photos
- Scroll through and delete / edit photos as necessary
- You can click through the photos or use your left / arrow keys
- Multiple photos can be selected using the shift and control keys
- You can delete and move photos directly from the Viewer
- You can filter the photos by Task and Evidence Type
- Use the rotate button to rotate photos
- Return to the Photos tab
- Click the Publish All button for that project to send your photos on their way
- Your photos will not relay until you do this, so don't forget!
That's all there is to it! Once you click the publish button, they will relay to their destination, whether that's your client's system or to your Downloader.