Get your work orders from your Client in an excel spreadsheet or organize your work orders in your own spreadsheet? Pruvan gives you the ability to import your spreadsheet right into the Pruvan Project Manager where you can add information and assign the projects out to your users in the field.
To see how to set up your spreadsheet and view advanced import features, see the Advanced Import from File article.
How to Import
- Log into Pruvan Online
- Click on Projects
- Click on the Import/ Export button
- Click Choose File
- Select your spreadsheet and click Open
- Check the Header in Data box,and click the Upload button
- Map each of your column headers to the Pruvan column headers using the dropdowns on each column
- Required Project columns:
- Project Number
- Address1
- City
- State
- Zip
- Task Name or Tasks
- Click Import
- Check the Import Results window to make sure all of your work orders import correctly. Any skipped projects will have an error message that will explain why the projects were not imported. Use that information to correct the spreadsheet and retry the import.
- Close the Import Results window and the Import window, after the projects have imported succesfully.
- Click Refresh to see the newly imported projects
We are having issues importing "assigned to" field. Pruvan maps this field with vendor username. Our system exports vendor first name, space, last name. So the fields are not matching. Does Pruvan have the capability to map to "name field" instead of username for assignment?
Great question. The answer is no. You would want to add a column called "username" to your spreadsheet and then add the Pruvan usernames you would like the individual work orders assigned to in these fields.