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FAQ for Altisource APIv2 Integration

What Video Training is available?

See this article

Who can use this integration?

You must be given permission from Altisource to use this integration.

If you have not been invited to use this integration, and you want to use the old Altisource Integration that imports VMS orders only, see this article.  

What is an integration?

An integration is a way for 2 different systems, such as Pruvan and Altisource, to exchange information.

What are the features of the Altisource APIv2 integration?

The APIv2 integration supports auto order import, default assign to, auto admin, default work type, survey and photo relay, and the push key.

What types of orders are imported from VMS?

Currently, the Altisource APIv2 Integration will import "most" Contract orders.  Bid Orders and Proposals are not currently supported by this integration.

Can I auto-assign my Altisource projects?

The Altisource APIv2 integration supports our Default Assign To feature which gives you limited auto-assignment ability.  See this article for more information.

Can I send my photos back to VMS automatically?

Yes, photos taken on imported orders will relay back to Altisource automatically, based on your QA settings.

What does Auto Admin do?

Auto Admin is one of our core integration features.  Read more in the Auto Admin article.

What does the Push Key do?

Altisource automatically refreshes your orders for you, so you do not need to use the Push Key to refresh your orders.  See the Push Key article for more information.

Can I change the task's that are on the Altisource projects?

No, the tasks on orders from the Altisource APIv2 integration cannot be edited.

Can I add extra tasks or surveys to my Altisource projects?

No, you cannot add additional tasks on orders from the Altisource APIv2 integration.

Will my surveys/forms go to Altisource?

Yes, the related mobile form (survey) will be sent to Altisource and is directly mapped to fill out their form automatically.

Can I submit my Altisource work orders from Pruvan?

Yes, you must press the green 'Complete' button in Pruvan Mobile when you have finished your Work Orders.  

Can I Check In with Pruvan for Altisource?

Contact Pruvan Customer Care if you are being asked to Check-In.

Can I remove orders from the Mobile app? 

Yes. Work orders can be removed from the Mobile app by changing the status of the work order in your Online Portal to either Closed or Unassigned. The status change will remove the work orders from the mobile app, but they will remain in your Pruvan Online Portal. 

Should I delete orders from my Pruvan Online Portal?

Not recommended.  We do not recommend that you delete any work orders from the Pruvan Online Portal.  Deleting orders yourself can cause confusion and negatively affect the Altisource workflow.  

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